Outdoor Pool
For the 2025 season access will be on a ‘one in, one out’ basis once the maximum bathing load has been reached.
Guests will be able to use the facility for a session time of 90 minutes.
Access is outside, behind the Heath & Fitness Club (please follow the signage).
Please remember that your Kelling Heath wristbands must be presented on arrival (for every member of your party) or access will be denied.
Subject to bathing level restrictions during peak periods.
The management reserves the right to amend timings and limit admission should these levels be reached.
The Outdoor Pool will be open on the dates and times listed below. The pool will close at 6pm on these dates.
- 23rd May -1st June - from 10am daily
- 2nd June - 6th July - Friday from 12pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10am (closed Monday-Thursday)
- 7th July - 7th September from 10am daily